श्री योगमाया वह अद्भुत तत्त्व है जिसके कारण निर्गुण निराकार परब्रह्म कल्याण गुणगणाकर मूर्तिमान् बन जाते हैं यद्यपि इन दोनों— शक्ति तथा शक्तिमान में कोई भेद नहीं तथापि भक्तों से आराधित शक्तिमान् जिस प्रकार श्रीराम- कृष्णादि अनेक रूपों में दर्शन देते हैं, उसी प्रकार ऋषि - मुनि - संस्तुता शक्ति भी श्रीदुर्गा, देवी, काली आदि नानाविध रूपों में प्रकट होती हैं। भाव के तारतम्य के अनुसार ही शास्त्र में, उपासना विधि में व्यावहारिक भेद दृष्टिगोचर होता है, जैसे किसी भावुक भक्त को अघटन घटनापटीयसी शक्ति देवी की अपार महिमा के सम्मुख ब्रह्मा - विष्णु - महेश भी गौण प्रतीत होते हैं तो किसी दूसरे भक्त को शक्ति शक्तिमान के अधीन विदित होती है। परमार्थतः दोनों एक ही वस्तु हैं। शास्त्र में इन महाप्रभावा योगमाया का वर्णन अनेक स्थलों पर उपलब्ध है। वेद के एक मन्त्र में शक्ति - शक्तिमान को भाई - बहिन मानकर उनका आह्वान किया गया है-
एष ते रुद्र भागः सह स्वस्त्राम्बिकया तं जुषस्व।
'अम्बिका बहिन के साथ हे रुद्र! यह आपका भाग है, इसे पाइये।'
मार्कण्डेयपुराण तथा देवीभागवत इन जगतजननी के सर्वोपरि माहाल्य का वर्णन कर ही रहे हैं। श्रीमद्भागवत में वह ब्रह्म के परिपूर्णावतार श्रीकृष्णचन्द्रजी की अनुजा कही गयी है-
अदृश्यतानुजा विष्णोः सायुधाष्टमहाभुजा।
भगवान श्रीविष्णु की छोटी बहिन अष्टमहाभुजा आयुध लिये दिखायी दीं। इन्हीं योगमायाने श्रीमन्नारायण के आदेश के अनुसार गर्भसङ्कर्षण नामक त्रिलोकी में अश्रुतपूर्व चमत्कार किया था और अजा होकर भी यशोदामाता की गर्भशय्या में शयन किया था
या योगमायाजनि नन्दजायया।
योगमाया की इच्छा से ही वसुदेवजी के कारागृह के निरीक्षक द्वारपाल निद्राभिभूत हो गये थे।
तया हुतप्रत्ययसर्ववृत्तिषु द्वाःस्थेषु पौरेष्वथ शायितेष्वपि।
इन्हीं के साहाय्य से भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण ने रास नामक लोकोत्तर विस्मय कार्य किया था-
सगुण ब्रह्मा का जो सर्वातिशायी ऐश्वर्य है, वह सब योगमाया का प्रभाव है। सनकादि नित्यमुक्त ब्रह्मर्षियों के वैकुण्ठाधिष्ठान श्रीविष्णुभगवान के साथ संलाप में भगवान का जो विशेषण है, उससे यही बात सिद्ध होती है-
ते योगमाययारब्धपारमेष्ट्यमहोदयम्।
प्रोचुः प्राञ्जलयो विप्राः प्रहृष्टाः क्षुभितत्वचः॥
'योगमाया से जिनके परमैश्वर्य का महोदय प्रकट हुआ, उन परमेश्वर से वे आनन्दित - पुलकित ब्राह्मण हाथ जोड़कर बोले।
'योगियों के योगप्रभाव को भी योगमाया कहा जा सकता है। किंतु प्रस्तुत प्रसङ्ग में वह अभीष्ट नहीं है, क्योंकि बद्ध मनुष्य की अपेक्षा मुक्त योगी का ऐश्वर्य यद्यपि निरवग्रह हो सकता है और शास्त्र में ऐसा कहा भी गया है तथापि परमात्मा के साथ तुलना करने में वह सावग्रह ही ठहरता है। योगदर्शन के मतानुसार समाधि के अनन्तर अन्यान्य विभूतियों के अतिरिक्त योगियों को सर्वज्ञत्व नाम की सिद्धि की प्राप्ति हुआ करती है।
सत्यपुरुषान्यताण्यातिमात्रस्य सर्वभावाधिष्ठातृत्वं सर्वज्ञातृत्वं च।
'प्रकृति और पुरुष के भेद का यथार्थ ज्ञान जिसको हो गया वह सब भावों का अधिष्ठाता और सर्वज्ञ हो जाता है। यह सर्वज्ञत्व तथा सर्वभावाधिष्ठातृत्व अवश्यमेव आपेक्षिक है। साधारण संसारी जीव की अपेक्षा योगी सर्वज्ञ है ही, किंतु उसमें निरतिशय सर्वशबीज नहीं है, वह तो नित्यसिद्ध परमपिता का ही सहज गुण है।
तत्र निरतिशयं सर्वज्ञबीजम्।
'वहाँ सर्वोपरि सर्वज्ञता का बीज है।' इसी प्रकार योगी को प्रकृति पर विजय प्राप्त हो जाती है। किंतु वह जगत की सृष्टि स्थिति प्रलय नहीं कर सकता। वेदान्तशास्त्र का-
जगळ्या पारवर्ग प्रकरणादसन्निहितत्वास।
यह सूत्र इस विषय में प्रमाण है। विश्वव्यापार तो भगवान की ही योगमाया का विलास है।
जारी रहेगा..........................
Sri Yogamaya is that wonderful element, due to which Nirguna, formless Parbrahma, becomes virtuous by virtue of welfare, though there is no difference between these two - Shakti and Shaktimaan. However, Shaktimaan is worshiped by devotees just as Shri Ram-Krishnadi gives darshan in many forms, similarly Rishi-muni. Sastuta Shakti also appears in various forms like Sridurga, Devi, Kali etc. According to the sense of sentiment, in the scriptures, the practical difference in the method of worship is visible, like Brahma - Vishnu - Mahesh also appear to be secondary to the immense glory of Goddess Shakti Devi, which happens to a passionate devotee. The subject is known. Both are essentially the same thing. The description of these Mahaprabhava Yogamaya is available at many places in the scriptures. In a mantra of Veda, Shakti - Shaktimaan is called as brother - sister.Esh te rudra bhagah sa Swastrambikaya tant jushva.Hey Rudra with Ambika's sister! This is your part, get it.Markandeya Puran and Devi Bhagwat are only describing the paramount value of these Jagatjanani. In the Shrimad Bhagwat, it is said to be the follower of Brahmachar Shree Krishna Chandraji-Aavishtanuja Vishnoh: Saayudhashthamahabhuja.Lord Shiva's younger sister Ashtamahabhuja appeared with an ordnance. According to the order of these Yogmayane Srimannarayana, she had done a tearful miracle in the Triloki called Garbhashrakshana and had slept in Yashodamata's womb despite being unhappy.or Yogāmāyājānī Nandājaya.It was due to Yogmaya's desire that the inspector-gatekeeper of Vasudevji's prison house became sleepy.Taya Hutpratyasvarvatishu Dvasteshu Paureshwath Shayatesvapi.With this help, Lord Shri Krishna did a remarkable work of extraterrestrial life called Raas-Yogamayamupatnah.The all-encompassing opulence of Saguna Brahma is the effect of Yogamaya. Sanakadi is the adjective of God in communion with Vaikunthadhisthan Srivishnu Bhagwan of eternal liberated Brahmarshi, this is proved by the same-Te Yogamayarbadhaparameshyamhyodayam.Prochu: Pranjalayo vipra: prahrushtaha: erasure'Yogmaya, whose majesty's majesty was revealed, spoke to those Gods with joy - Pulkit Brahmin with folded hands.'The yogic effect of yogis can also be called yogamaya. But it is not intended in the presented subject, because the opulence of a free yogi may be immortal compared to a bound man, and even though it has been said in the scripture, in comparison with the divine, it remains a savagraha. According to the philosophy of Yogadarshan, in addition to other personalities within the samadhi, the yogis attain the attainment of the name of omniscience.Satyapurusanatanyaanatimatasya sarvabhavadhishthatrvatva sarvajanatrishtv'The true knowledge of the difference between nature and man becomes the master of all sentiments and omniscient. This omniscience and omnipotence is absolutely relative. The yogi is omniscient compared to the ordinary worldly creature, but he is not a perfect omnipotent, it is the natural quality of the eternal Father.Tatra Niratisayam Sarvagyan Bijam.'There is the seed of supreme omniscience there.' Similarly, the yogi gets victory over nature. But he cannot destroy the creation of the world. VedanticJaganya Parvarga Episode Dismannhitatwas.This sutra is proof in this subject. The business of God is the luxury of Yogmaya only.TO BE CONTINUE.................------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sri Yogamaya is that wonderful element, due to which Nirguna, formless Parbrahma, becomes virtuous by virtue of welfare, though there is no difference between these two - Shakti and Shaktimaan. However, Shaktimaan is worshiped by devotees just as Shri Ram-Krishnadi gives darshan in many forms, similarly Rishi-muni. Sastuta Shakti also appears in various forms like Sridurga, Devi, Kali etc. According to the sense of sentiment, in the scriptures, the practical difference in the method of worship is visible, like Brahma - Vishnu - Mahesh also appear to be secondary to the immense glory of Goddess Shakti Devi, which happens to a passionate devotee. The subject is known. Both are essentially the same thing. The description of these Mahaprabhava Yogamaya is available at many places in the scriptures. In a mantra of Veda, Shakti - Shaktimaan is called as brother - sister.
Hey Rudra with Ambika's sister! This is your part, get it.
Markandeya Puran and Devi Bhagwat are only describing the paramount value of these Jagatjanani. In the Shrimad Bhagwat, it is said to be the follower of Brahmachar Shree Krishna Chandraji-
Aavishtanuja Vishnoh: Saayudhashthamahabhuja.
Lord Shiva's younger sister Ashtamahabhuja appeared with an ordnance. According to the order of these Yogmayane Srimannarayana, she had done a tearful miracle in the Triloki called Garbhashrakshana and had slept in Yashodamata's womb despite being unhappy.
or Yogāmāyājānī Nandājaya.
It was due to Yogmaya's desire that the inspector-gatekeeper of Vasudevji's prison house became sleepy.
Taya Hutpratyasvarvatishu Dvasteshu Paureshwath Shayatesvapi.
With this help, Lord Shri Krishna did a remarkable work of extraterrestrial life called Raas-
The all-encompassing opulence of Saguna Brahma is the effect of Yogamaya. Sanakadi is the adjective of God in communion with Vaikunthadhisthan Srivishnu Bhagwan of eternal liberated Brahmarshi, this is proved by the same-
Te Yogamayarbadhaparameshyamhyodayam.
Prochu: Pranjalayo vipra: prahrushtaha: erasure
'Yogmaya, whose majesty's majesty was revealed, spoke to those Gods with joy - Pulkit Brahmin with folded hands.
'The yogic effect of yogis can also be called yogamaya. But it is not intended in the presented subject, because the opulence of a free yogi may be immortal compared to a bound man, and even though it has been said in the scripture, in comparison with the divine, it remains a savagraha. According to the philosophy of Yogadarshan, in addition to other personalities within the samadhi, the yogis attain the attainment of the name of omniscience.
Satyapurusanatanyaanatimatasya sarvabhavadhishthatrvatva sarvajanatrishtv
'The true knowledge of the difference between nature and man becomes the master of all sentiments and omniscient. This omniscience and omnipotence is absolutely relative. The yogi is omniscient compared to the ordinary worldly creature, but he is not a perfect omnipotent, it is the natural quality of the eternal Father.
Tatra Niratisayam Sarvagyan Bijam.
'There is the seed of supreme omniscience there.' Similarly, the yogi gets victory over nature. But he cannot destroy the creation of the world. Vedantic
Jaganya Parvarga Episode Dismannhitatwas.
This sutra is proof in this subject. The business of God is the luxury of Yogmaya only.
TO BE CONTINUE.................
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