योग की उपादेयता असंख्य प्राणियों के भवसागर से पार करने हेतु महर्षि पतञ्जलि ने योग का निरूपण किया है। कुछ लोगों का विश्वास है कि हिरण्यगर्भरचित योगसूत्र जो अब लुप्त हो गये हैं, उन्हीं के आधार पर योगसूत्र की रचना हुई। महर्षि पतञ्जलि ने अष्टाङ्ग योग का प्रतिपादन किया, जो 'यम - नियम - आसन- प्राणायाम, प्रत्याहार, धारणा, ध्यान तथा समाधि' के रूप में गृहीत है। विवेकमार्तण्ड में भी इसी का अनुमोदन किया गया है, जो षडङ्गभूत है।आसनं प्राणसंरोधः प्रत्याहारश्च धारणा।ध्यानं समाधिरेतानि योगाङ्गानि वदन्ति षट्।।भारतीय वाङ्मय में योग पर बृहत् चिन्तन प्रस्तुत किया गया है, जिसके आधार पर साधक अपनी साधना का दिशा निर्देश प्राप्त करते हैं। सृष्टि का स्वरूप दो पदार्थो पर आधारित है 'योग और भोग'। इन्हीं दोनों में सब कुछ अन्तर्भूत है। दोनों का फल भी सुनिश्चित है। भोग बन्धन और योग मुक्ति प्रदान करता है। यह भी निर्विवाद है कि बन्धन किसी को स्वीकार्य नहीं, परंतु प्रमाद जीव की स्वाभाविक प्रवृत्ति है। बिना परिश्रम के वस्तु सहज ग्राह्य समझकर उसमें सुख की अनुभूति मात्र मृगमरीचिका बनकर रह जाती है। योगी योग के बिना रोगी ही रहता है, परंतु योगी भोगी होते हुए भी संसारी की भाँति भले ही दिखायी देता हो, किंतु जितेन्द्रिय और योग - तत्त्वज्ञ होने से संसारी की तरह बन्धन को प्राप्त नहीं होता - जीवन्मुक्त रहता है।क्षणभङ्गुर संसार में प्राणी किसी - न - किसी योग का आधार लेकर विचरण कर रहा है। जब तक वह प्रभुप्रदत्त विवेक को जागृत कर स्वयं को विज्ञ महापुरुषों के अमृतोपदेशों से जोड़ (योग) नहीं लेता, तब तक उसे निःश्रेयस के मार्ग का निर्धारण करने में कठिनता का अनुभव होता रहेगा।गीतामें भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण कहते हैं-तपस्विभ्योऽधिको योगी ज्ञानिभ्योऽपि मतोऽधिकः।कर्मिभ्यश्चाधिको योगी तस्माद्योगी भवार्जुन।।अर्जुन! तू योगी बन जा। क्योंकि तपस्वियों, ज्ञानियों और सकामकर्म में निरत जनों - इन सभी से योगी श्रेष्ठ है।श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण में अपने सखा उद्धव को उपदेश देते हुए योगेश्वर श्रीकृष्ण कहते हैं-जितेन्द्रियस्य युक्तस्य जितश्वासस्य योगिनः।धारयतश्चत उपतिष्ठन्ति सिद्धयः॥"प्रिय उद्धव! जब योगी इन्द्रिय - प्राण और मन को वश करके अपना चित्त मुझमें लगाकर मेरी धारणा करने लगता है, तब उसके सामने बहुत - सी सिद्धियाँ उपस्थित हो जाती हैं।" इसका स्पष्ट अर्थ यह है कि योग के द्वारा सिद्धियाँ (अणिमा, महिमा, लघिमा, प्राप्ति, प्राकाम्य, इशिता, वशिता, कामावसायिता नाम की अष्टसिद्धियाँ एवं अतीत अनागत ज्ञान, पूर्वजातिज्ञान, दूर - श्रवण, पशु - पक्षियों आदि की बोली का ज्ञान आदि अन्य सिद्धियाँ भी) स्वतः प्राप्त हो जाती हैं। किंतु योग की चरम उपलब्धि मात्र सिद्धि - प्राप्ति के संकुचित प्रकोष्ठ को अधिगत करना नहीं, वरन् आत्मज्ञान और आत्मबल की प्राप्ति है।योग हमारे ऋषियों, महर्षियों, तपस्वियों की अनुभूत साधना का वैचारिक आदर्श है। योगी के लिये भौतिक और पारलौकिक पदार्थ सहज प्राप्य हैं। उसकी शक्ति असीमित होती है। वह ब्रह्माण्ड - स्थित सचराचर जगत को अपने विशाल हृदयाकाश में समाहित देखता है। उसके अन्तःकरण का भक्तियोग उस स्थिति को प्राप्त कर लेता है, जिसमें वह स्वयं आनन्दित होकर कह उठता है- 'सीय राममय सब जग जानी।' योग द्वारा अन्तःकरण में छुपी असीम शक्ति प्रत्यक्ष हो उठती है और वह शक्ति चिरन्तन देदीप्यमान प्रकाश - पुञ्ज बनकर विश्व को जीने - जागने तथा सद् - व्यवहार - सम्पन्न करने तक की योग्यता प्रदान करने में सक्षम हो जाती है। उत्तरगीता में योग माहात्म्य के विषय में इस प्रकार कहा गया है-मुहूर्तमपि योगश्चेन्नासाग्रे मनसा सह।सर्वं तरति पाप्मानं तस्य जन्मशतार्जितम्।।'जो साधक योग - साधना में स्थित होकर मन को एकाग्र करके क्षणमात्र के लिये भी अपनी दृष्टि को नासिका के अग्रभाग पर स्थित कर लेता है, वह अपने सैकड़ों जन्मों के लिये पाप से छुटकारा पा जाता है।'ध्यानयोग के विषयमें 'विवेकमार्तण्ड' ग्रन्थ में लिखा है- चाहे कोई हजारों अश्वमेध और वाजपेय यज्ञों का अनुष्ठान करे, पर जो फल विशुद्ध ध्यान एवं समाधि - योग के द्वारा प्राप्त होता है, वह इन यज्ञों से नहीं होता-अश्वमेधसहस्त्राणि वाजपेयशतानि च।एकस्य ध्यानयोगस्य कला नाहन्ति षोडशीम्॥योग की विभिन्न पद्धतियों एवं उपासना की अनेकानेक विधियों का प्रमुख लक्ष्य चित्त को राग - द्वेषादि मल से रहितकर उसमें सत्त्वगुण का उद्रेक करके वृत्तियों को निर्मलता प्रदान करना है। योग स्वरूप - बोध से स्वरूपोपलब्धि तककी यात्रा है। अन्तचेतना की जागृति का योग एक अन्यतम साधन है। चरित्र - निर्माण में योग का जो महत्त्व है वह भी स्पष्ट है। मानव में निहित सात्त्विक तत्व जब योग - साधना द्वारा जाग्रत् हो उठते, तब मानव मानवीय गुणों से मण्डित हो जाता है। क्षमा, दया, करुणा, ज्ञान, दर्शन और वैराग्य की अभिवृद्धि ही चरित्र - निर्माण की भित्तियाँ हैं।'नास्ति योगात्परं बलम्।' 'नास्ति योगात् परो बन्धु:' - जैसे वचन भी प्रसिद्ध ही हैं। भगवान् शिव का कथन है कि योगमार्ग से उत्तम कोई मार्ग श्रेष्ठ नहीं-योगमार्गात्यरो मार्गों नास्ति नास्ति श्रुतौ स्मृतौ।शास्त्रेष्वन्येषु सर्वेषु शिवेन कथितः पुरा॥महान् योगिराज शिवस्वरूप गोरक्षनाथ अपने गोरक्षशतक ( ५ ) में योगसाधना के विषयमें कहते हैं-एतद् विमुक्तिसोपानमेतत् कालस्य वचनम्।यद् व्यावृतं मनो भोगादासक्तं परमात्मनि।।'यह मुक्ति - प्राप्ति का सोपान है, इससे कालजयी होना सम्भव है। इस योग - ज्ञान के द्वारा मन विषय भोगों के रसास्वादन से निवृत्त होकर भगवान चिन्तन में लग जाता है। 'कर्मयोग, भक्तियोग, ज्ञानयोग, हठयोग, प्राणयोग, बुद्धियोग, भावनायोग आदि अनेक प्रकार के योगों का विवेचन शास्त्रों में किया गया है, अमनस्कयोग में योगाभ्यास के विषय में कहा गया है-विविक्तदेशे सुखसंनिविष्टः समासने किंचिदुपेत्य पश्चात्।बाहुप्रमाणं स्थिरदृक् स्थिराङ्ग चिन्ताविहीनोऽभ्यसनं कुरुष्व॥एवमभ्यसतो योगं मनो भवति सुस्थिरम्।वायुवाकायदृष्टीनां स्थिरता च तथा तथा॥सब प्रकारकी चिन्ताओं से रहित हो एकान्त स्थान में सम आसन पर कुछ पीछे की ओर झुककर तनकर स्थिर अङ्ग से सुखपूर्वक बैठकर एक हाथ पर्यन्त दृष्टि स्थिर कर योग का अभ्यास करो। ऐसा अभ्यास करते - करते मन स्थिर होता है, वायु (प्राण) वाणी और दृष्टि में भी स्थिरता आ जाती है और फिर इस प्रकार के अभ्यास से परमतत्त्वका बोध हो जाता है। जब योगी की भावना पञ्चमहाभूतों से निर्मित शरीर के विषय से ऊपर उठ जाती है, तब उसको बाहर और भीतर सर्वत्र परमतत्त्वका ही स्फुरण होने लगता है और अखण्ड आनन्द की प्राप्ति हो जाती है। इस प्रकार सर्वविध कल्याणकारक योगमार्ग का आश्रय ग्रहण करना चाहिये।जारी रहेगा................................................------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENGLISH TRANSLATION
UTILITY OF YOGAMaharishi Patanjali has represented yoga to cross the Bhavasagar of innumerable creatures. Some people believe that the Yogasutra based on Hiranyagrha, which has now disappeared, was created on the basis of them. Maharishi Patanjali rendered Ashtanga Yoga, which is conceived as 'Yama - Niyam - Asan - Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharna, Dhyana and Samadhi'. The same has been approved in Vivekamandt, which is a conspiracy.Asphyxiation of posture: Retrospective perception.Attention meditation is done.In the Indian poetry, a great meditation on yoga has been presented, on the basis of which seekers get directions for their spiritual practice. The nature of the universe is based on two things, 'Yoga and enjoyment'. Everything is intrinsic in these two. The fruit of both is also sure. Indulgence provides bondage and yoga freedom. It is also undisputed that the bonding is not acceptable to anyone, but pramad is the natural tendency of the organism. Without hard work, the object is considered to be easily acceptable and the feeling of happiness in it remains just as an eagle. A yogi remains patient without yoga, but despite being a yogi, he may look like a worldly being, but Jyendriya and Yoga - being a philosopher, does not achieve the bondage like a worldly - remains life-free.In the fleeting world, a creature is wandering on the basis of some or the other yoga. Until he awakens Prabhupraditta's conscience and associates himself with the nectar of yoga of the great men, he will continue to experience difficulty in determining the path of disinterestedness.In the Gita, Lord Shri Krishna says-Yogic knowledge of austerity-wiseBhavarjun, the Yogi of Yogyasachachami.Arjun You become a yogi. Because the ascetics, the learned and those who are free in sakamkarma - the yogi is superior to all of them.In the Shrimad Bhagwat Maha Purana, Yogeshwar Sri Krishna, while preaching his Sakha Uddhava, says-Jitendriya Tipsy Jitshayasya Yogin:.Sustainable Residence:"Dear Uddhav! When the Yogi senses - by subduing the soul and the mind, he starts to think about me, then many beliefs are present in front of him." This clearly means that through yoga, the Siddhis (Anima, Mahima, Laghima, Attainment, Prakamya, Ishita, Vashita, Kamavasayita named Ashtasiddhis and past non-knowledge, foreknowledge, distant hearing, knowledge of dialect of animals, birds etc., etc. Siddhis too) are attained automatically. But the ultimate achievement of yoga is not merely to attain the narrow cell of accomplishment - attainment, but attain enlightenment and self-realization.Yoga is the ideological ideal of sensational practice of our sages, maharishis and ascetics. For the yogi, physical and other things are easily attainable. His power is unlimited. He sees the universe-based Satrachar world contained in his vast heartbeat. The devotee of his conscience attains the condition in which he himself rejoices and rises, saying, "See, everything is awakened." Through yoga, the infinite power hidden in the inner self becomes apparent and that power becomes capable of giving the world the ability to live - awake and to do good deeds - by becoming a resplendent light - a mass. In the Uttaragita, the subject of yoga greatness has been said as follows-Muhurtampi Yogashchenasagre Mansa co.Sarvan Tarati Papamanam Tasya Janamsatharjitam.'A seeker who is situated in yoga and meditation and concentrates the mind and keeps his eyes on the forefront of the nose for a moment, gets rid of sin for hundreds of lives.'It is written in the book 'Vivekamartand' about Dhyana Yoga - even if one performs the rituals of thousands of Ashwamedha and Vajpayee Yagyas, but the fruit which is achieved through pure meditation and samadhi-yoga does not come from these Yajnas.Ashwamedhashastrani Vajpayyashatani Ch.Ekasya Dhyanayogasya Kala Nahanti ShodashimThe main goal of the various methods of yoga and many methods of worship is to make the mind free from the raga-anusandi stool and to exalt the sattva component in it, to provide cleanliness to the vrittis. Yoga is a journey from form to realization. The other means of awakening the subconsciousness is another. The importance of yoga in character building is also clear. When the sattvic element contained in the human is awakened by yoga and cultivation, then the human becomes obsessed with human qualities. The growth of forgiveness, compassion, compassion, knowledge, philosophy and quietness are the walls of character-building.'Nasti Yogatparam Balam.' 'Nasti Yogat Paro Bandhu:' - Such words are also famous. Lord Shiva says that no path is better than yoga.Yogamagatyaro routes nasti nasti shrutau smrutau.Shastraveshnyeshvu Sarveshu Shiven is said to be Pura.The great Yogiraj Shiva Swaroop Goraksanath in his Gorakshashatak (5) says about Yogasadhana-Eetad vimuktisopanamat kalasya vyavam.If Vyavritam Mano Bhogadasakta Paramatmani.'This is the step of liberation - it is possible to be classical. By this yoga-knowledge, the mind is retired from the taste of enjoyment and engages in thinking of God. 'Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Pranayoga, Buddha Yoga, Bhavna Yoga, etc. Many types of yoga have been discussed in the scriptures, in the Amanaskayog it is said about yoga practice-Controversial pleasures include: After concurring.Bahāupraमाण स्थिरāmana Stādhārāka Sthārīga Chintāvīhoऽbhāyasan KurushavaEvambhyasato Yogam Mano Bhavathi Susasthiram.Aerial view stability f and and॥Be devoid of all kinds of worries, bend backwards at some even posture in a secluded place and sit happily with a still, and practice yoga by keeping your eyes fixed for one hand. While doing this practice, the mind becomes stable, there is also stability in the air (prana) speech and vision, and then this type of practice leads to the realization of the divine. When the yogi's spirit rises above the subject of the body created by the five elements, then it starts to realize the divine reality outside and inside and the attainment of unending bliss. In this way, one should take shelter of the universal welfare path.TO BE CONTINUE..............................------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Asphyxiation of posture: Retrospective perception.
Attention meditation is done.
In the Indian poetry, a great meditation on yoga has been presented, on the basis of which seekers get directions for their spiritual practice. The nature of the universe is based on two things, 'Yoga and enjoyment'. Everything is intrinsic in these two. The fruit of both is also sure. Indulgence provides bondage and yoga freedom. It is also undisputed that the bonding is not acceptable to anyone, but pramad is the natural tendency of the organism. Without hard work, the object is considered to be easily acceptable and the feeling of happiness in it remains just as an eagle. A yogi remains patient without yoga, but despite being a yogi, he may look like a worldly being, but Jyendriya and Yoga - being a philosopher, does not achieve the bondage like a worldly - remains life-free.
In the fleeting world, a creature is wandering on the basis of some or the other yoga. Until he awakens Prabhupraditta's conscience and associates himself with the nectar of yoga of the great men, he will continue to experience difficulty in determining the path of disinterestedness.
In the Gita, Lord Shri Krishna says-
Yogic knowledge of austerity-wise
Bhavarjun, the Yogi of Yogyasachachami.
Arjun You become a yogi. Because the ascetics, the learned and those who are free in sakamkarma - the yogi is superior to all of them.
In the Shrimad Bhagwat Maha Purana, Yogeshwar Sri Krishna, while preaching his Sakha Uddhava, says-
Jitendriya Tipsy Jitshayasya Yogin:.
Sustainable Residence:
"Dear Uddhav! When the Yogi senses - by subduing the soul and the mind, he starts to think about me, then many beliefs are present in front of him." This clearly means that through yoga, the Siddhis (Anima, Mahima, Laghima, Attainment, Prakamya, Ishita, Vashita, Kamavasayita named Ashtasiddhis and past non-knowledge, foreknowledge, distant hearing, knowledge of dialect of animals, birds etc., etc. Siddhis too) are attained automatically. But the ultimate achievement of yoga is not merely to attain the narrow cell of accomplishment - attainment, but attain enlightenment and self-realization.
Yoga is the ideological ideal of sensational practice of our sages, maharishis and ascetics. For the yogi, physical and other things are easily attainable. His power is unlimited. He sees the universe-based Satrachar world contained in his vast heartbeat. The devotee of his conscience attains the condition in which he himself rejoices and rises, saying, "See, everything is awakened." Through yoga, the infinite power hidden in the inner self becomes apparent and that power becomes capable of giving the world the ability to live - awake and to do good deeds - by becoming a resplendent light - a mass. In the Uttaragita, the subject of yoga greatness has been said as follows-
Muhurtampi Yogashchenasagre Mansa co.
Sarvan Tarati Papamanam Tasya Janamsatharjitam.
'A seeker who is situated in yoga and meditation and concentrates the mind and keeps his eyes on the forefront of the nose for a moment, gets rid of sin for hundreds of lives.'
It is written in the book 'Vivekamartand' about Dhyana Yoga - even if one performs the rituals of thousands of Ashwamedha and Vajpayee Yagyas, but the fruit which is achieved through pure meditation and samadhi-yoga does not come from these Yajnas.
Ashwamedhashastrani Vajpayyashatani Ch.
Ekasya Dhyanayogasya Kala Nahanti Shodashim
The main goal of the various methods of yoga and many methods of worship is to make the mind free from the raga-anusandi stool and to exalt the sattva component in it, to provide cleanliness to the vrittis. Yoga is a journey from form to realization. The other means of awakening the subconsciousness is another. The importance of yoga in character building is also clear. When the sattvic element contained in the human is awakened by yoga and cultivation, then the human becomes obsessed with human qualities. The growth of forgiveness, compassion, compassion, knowledge, philosophy and quietness are the walls of character-building.
'Nasti Yogatparam Balam.' 'Nasti Yogat Paro Bandhu:' - Such words are also famous. Lord Shiva says that no path is better than yoga.
Yogamagatyaro routes nasti nasti shrutau smrutau.
Shastraveshnyeshvu Sarveshu Shiven is said to be Pura.
The great Yogiraj Shiva Swaroop Goraksanath in his Gorakshashatak (5) says about Yogasadhana-
Eetad vimuktisopanamat kalasya vyavam.
If Vyavritam Mano Bhogadasakta Paramatmani.
'This is the step of liberation - it is possible to be classical. By this yoga-knowledge, the mind is retired from the taste of enjoyment and engages in thinking of God. 'Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Pranayoga, Buddha Yoga, Bhavna Yoga, etc. Many types of yoga have been discussed in the scriptures, in the Amanaskayog it is said about yoga practice-
Controversial pleasures include: After concurring.
Bahāupraमाण स्थिरāmana Stādhārāka Sthārīga Chintāvīhoऽbhāyasan Kurushava
Evambhyasato Yogam Mano Bhavathi Susasthiram.
Aerial view stability f and and॥
Be devoid of all kinds of worries, bend backwards at some even posture in a secluded place and sit happily with a still, and practice yoga by keeping your eyes fixed for one hand. While doing this practice, the mind becomes stable, there is also stability in the air (prana) speech and vision, and then this type of practice leads to the realization of the divine. When the yogi's spirit rises above the subject of the body created by the five elements, then it starts to realize the divine reality outside and inside and the attainment of unending bliss. In this way, one should take shelter of the universal welfare path.
TO BE CONTINUE..............................
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