भारतीय संस्कृति की एक समृद्ध सम्पत्ति - योग मानव - जीवन का सर्वोत्तम पुरुषार्थ है भगवत्साक्षात्कार। यद्यपि श्रीभगवान् अव्यक्त और अदृश्य है तथापि भक्तिपूर्वक ध्यान करने वाले भाग्यशाली महानुभावों को वे अपना दर्शन देकर अवश्य ही कृतार्थ कर देते हैं। अतएव वे न केवल अदृश्य हैं अपितु व्यक्तरूप भी हैं। यह ध्यान वैदिक वाङ्मय में उपदिष्ट योग के छः अङ्गों में से तीसरा है'तथा तत्प्रयोगकल्पः। प्राणायामः प्रत्याहारो ध्यानं धारणा तर्कः समाधिरित्युच्यते योग। यहाँ ध्यान के अनन्तर धारणा का उल्लेख है और महर्षि पतञ्जलि के अनुसार धारणा के पश्चात् ध्यान होता है। साधक जब अपने चित्त की वृत्ति को प्रयत्नपूर्वक अपने आराध्य प्रभु के रूप के चिन्तन में लगा देता है, तब वह स्थिति 'योग' कहलाती है।आत्मप्रयत्नसापेक्षा विशिष्टा या मनोगतिः।तस्या ब्रह्मणि संयोगो योग इत्यभिधीयते।।इस प्रकारका ध्यान - योग संध्योपासना के समय सुकर है। जितनी बार संध्योपासना होगी, (प्रातः, मध्याह्न और सायम्) उतनी बार ध्यान भी हो जायगा। कोई - कोई साधक अपने मनोमन्दिर में विराजमान प्रादेशमात्र आकार वाले शङ्ख, चक्र, गदा, पद्मधारी चतुर्भुज भगवान का धारणा - विधि से स्मरण करते रहते हैं-केचित् स्वदेहान्तर्हदयावकाशे प्रादेशमात्रं पुरुष वसन्तम्।चतुर्भुज कञ्जरथाङ्गशा गदाधरं धारणया स्मरन्ति।।जब साधक के चित्त की उसके चलते - फिरते, उठते - बैठते अथवा कोई और काम करते समय भी भगवदाकारमयी वृत्ति बनी रहे , तब वह धारणा परिपक्क मानी जाती है-व्रजतस्तिष्ठतोऽन्यद् वा स्वेच्छया कर्म कुर्वतः।नापयाति यदा चित्तात् सिद्धां मन्येत तां तदा।।धारणा जागतिक व्यवहार चलता रहता है और चित्त- वृत्ति भगवन्मयी भी बनी रहती है। किंतु जब साधक की चित्तवृत्ति सम्पूर्ण भाव से ऐसी भगवदाकारवती हो जाय कि अन्य किसी वस्तु का भान ही न रहे, तब वह स्थिति समाधि कहलाती है। सुनीति - नन्दन राजकुमार ध्रुव ने देवर्षि नारद के उपदेश से चित्त की ऐसी समाधिमती एकाग्रता प्राप्त कर ली थी।समाहितः पर्यचरदृष्यादेशेन पूरुवम् ॥ध्यायन् भगवतो रूपं नानाक्षीत् किंचनापरम्॥ऐसे एकान्त ध्यान की ओर संकेत करते हुए पूर्वाचार्यो ने साधकों को सावधान करते हुए श्री भगवद्ध्यानमय योग के अभ्यास करने की ओर दत्तचित्त किया है। दिग्दर्शनार्थ-ज्ञानप्रसादेन विशुद्धसत्त्व- स्ततस्तु तं पश्यते निष्कलं ध्यायमानः।।तस्मादेकेन मनसा भगवान् सात्वतां पतिः।श्रोतव्यः कीर्तितव्यश्च ध्येयः पूज्यश्च नित्यदा॥'ध्यानावस्थिततद्गतेन मनसा पश्यन्ति यं योगिनः।अर्थात् ज्ञान की निर्मलता के कारण शुद्ध चित्तवाला ध्यानाभ्यासी साधक भगवान का दर्शन कर लेता है । एकाग्र मन से प्रतिदिन भगवान के नाम और गुणों का श्रवण तथा कीर्तन करना चाहिये एवम् उनका ध्यान और पूजन भी करना चाहिये। योगी लोग ध्यान के द्वारा श्रीभगवान का दर्शन कर लेते हैं। योग भारतीय संस्कृति की एक समृद्ध सम्पत्ति है।योग का वैविध्यश्रीभगवान ने उद्धवजी को तीन योगों का उपदेश दिया था। वे है ज्ञानयोग, कर्मयोग और भक्तियोग। अष्टाङ्गयोग को मिलाकर चार योग हो जाते हैं। 'योग - प्रदीप में राजयोग, अष्टाङ्गयोग, हठयोग, लययोग, ध्यानयोग, भक्तियोग, नामयोग, क्रियायोग, भेषजयोग, मन्त्रयोग, कर्मयोग और ज्ञानयोग का उल्लेख करते हुए योग को बारह प्रकार का माना गया है। भक्तियोग की श्रेष्ठताप्राचीन ग्रन्थों में योग के अनेक प्रकारों का उल्लेख हुआ है अतएव रुचिभेद से उन योगों के अनुगामी भी अनेक प्रकार के हैं। भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण का यह मन्तव्य है कि सभी प्रकार के योगियों में जो श्रद्धापूर्वक मुझमें मन लगाकर मेरा भजन करता है, वही सर्वोत्तम योगी है-योगिनामपि सर्वेषां मद्गतेनान्तरात्मना।अशावान भजते यो मां स मे युक्ततमो मतः॥संसारमें कैसे रहना चाहियेजग माहीं ऐसो रहो, ज्यों अम्बुज सर माहिं।रहै नीरके आसरे, पै जल छूवत नाहिं।।जग माहीं ऐसे रहो, ज्यों जिह्वा मुख माहिं।घीव घना भच्छन करे, तो भी चिकनी नाहिं॥ऐसा हो जो साध हो, लिये रहै वैराग।चरनकमल में चित धरै, जग में रहै न पाग॥-चरनदासजारी रहेगा...........................------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENGLISH TRANSLATION
Humanism is the best effort of life. Even though Shri Bhagavan is avyakt and invisible, he certainly gives gratitude by giving his darshan to the lucky nobles who meditate devotional. Therefore, they are not only invisible but also individual. This meditation is the third of the six organs of yoga assigned in Vedic poetry.'And Tatyapalakalpa:. Pranayama: pratyaharo dhyana dharana dharana: samadhiratyuchyate yoga.Here the concept of inner perception is mentioned and according to Maharishi Patanjali, meditation happens after perception. When the seeker puts his mind's instinct in the mind to the form of his adorable lord, then that position is called 'yoga'.Self-loveTasya brahmani samyogo yoga ityabhidhiyate.This type of meditation - yoga is convenient at the time of meditation. The number of times a meditation will take place (morning, mid-day and evening) will also be meditated. Some - some seeker remembers the concept of God, Chakra, Mace, Padmādhari quadrilateral with the shape of the state, sitting in his palace.Kechita Svadehanthadavayakashe pradeshmatramam male vasantam.Chaturbhuj Kanjrathangsha gadhaadharana dharana or remembrance.When the mind of the seeker remains on his or her side while walking or waking up or doing some other work, then the Bhagavadakaramayi instinct remains, then that perception is considered to be mature -Vrajatastishtoऽnyāda or voluntary deeds invariably.Nāpāyati yada chittāt siddhām manyet tāda tāda.Perception, worldly behavior goes on, and the mind - attitude also remains Bhagwanmayi. But when the mindfulness of the seeker becomes so Bhagavadakarvati with the whole feeling that nothing else is known, then that situation is called Samadhi. Suniti - Nandan Prince Dhruva had attained such a concordant concentration of mind by the teachings of Devarshi Narada.Contained: Purushuvardeshdeen PuruvamDhyayan Bhagavato Rupam Nanakshit KinchanaparamPointing towards such solitary meditation, Purvacharyo has directed towards practicing Sri Bhagavadhyanamay Yoga by cautioning the seekers. For reference.Gnanaprasaden Vishuddhasattva - Stastu and Pashyate Nishkalam Dhyayaman:Tasmadeken Mansa Bhagavan Satvatam Pati:.Source: Krititvashya Dhyaya: Pujyascha Nityada.‘Dhyanavasthaatdagaten manasa pashyanti ya yoginah.That is, due to the cleanness of knowledge, a pure meditated meditational seeker gets to see God. Everyday one should listen to and listen to the name and qualities of God with a concentrated mind and should also meditate and worship them. Yogis observe Sri Bhagavan through meditation. Yoga is a rich asset of Indian culture.VARIETY OF YOGASri Bhagavan preached three yogas to Uddhavji. They are Jnana Yoga, Karmayoga and Bhakti Yoga. There are four yogas including Ashtagyoga. 'Yoga - In Pradeep, Yoga has been considered as twelve types, mentioning Raja Yoga, Ashtagyoga, Hatha Yoga, Lya Yoga, Dhyana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Namayoga, Kriyayoga, Bheeshyayoga, Mantrayoga, Karmayoga and Jnana Yoga.SUPERIORITY OF DEVOTIONMany types of yoga have been mentioned in the ancient texts, hence there are many types of those yogas following curiously. It is the intention of Lord Krishna that among all types of yogis, who reverently worship me with my heart, he is the best yogi -Yoginamapi sesamantha madgatenantramatna.Ashavan bhajate yo ma sa sa yuktamo mato:॥How to live in the worldStay awake like this, as Ambuj Sir Mahin.There is no shelter, no water is untouched.Stay awake in the world, just like the tongue of the tongue.Even if the ghee is dense, then the smooth bathIt should be that which is good, you will remain detached.Chant in Charankamal, stay awake in the world.-CharndasTO BE CONTINUE..................------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tasya brahmani samyogo yoga ityabhidhiyate.
This type of meditation - yoga is convenient at the time of meditation. The number of times a meditation will take place (morning, mid-day and evening) will also be meditated. Some - some seeker remembers the concept of God, Chakra, Mace, Padmādhari quadrilateral with the shape of the state, sitting in his palace.
Kechita Svadehanthadavayakashe pradeshmatramam male vasantam.
Chaturbhuj Kanjrathangsha gadhaadharana dharana or remembrance.
When the mind of the seeker remains on his or her side while walking or waking up or doing some other work, then the Bhagavadakaramayi instinct remains, then that perception is considered to be mature -
Vrajatastishtoऽnyāda or voluntary deeds invariably.
Nāpāyati yada chittāt siddhām manyet tāda tāda.
Perception, worldly behavior goes on, and the mind - attitude also remains Bhagwanmayi. But when the mindfulness of the seeker becomes so Bhagavadakarvati with the whole feeling that nothing else is known, then that situation is called Samadhi. Suniti - Nandan Prince Dhruva had attained such a concordant concentration of mind by the teachings of Devarshi Narada.
Contained: Purushuvardeshdeen Puruvam
Dhyayan Bhagavato Rupam Nanakshit Kinchanaparam
Pointing towards such solitary meditation, Purvacharyo has directed towards practicing Sri Bhagavadhyanamay Yoga by cautioning the seekers. For reference.
Gnanaprasaden Vishuddhasattva - Stastu and Pashyate Nishkalam Dhyayaman:
Tasmadeken Mansa Bhagavan Satvatam Pati:.
Source: Krititvashya Dhyaya: Pujyascha Nityada.
‘Dhyanavasthaatdagaten manasa pashyanti ya yoginah.
That is, due to the cleanness of knowledge, a pure meditated meditational seeker gets to see God. Everyday one should listen to and listen to the name and qualities of God with a concentrated mind and should also meditate and worship them. Yogis observe Sri Bhagavan through meditation. Yoga is a rich asset of Indian culture.
Sri Bhagavan preached three yogas to Uddhavji. They are Jnana Yoga, Karmayoga and Bhakti Yoga. There are four yogas including Ashtagyoga. 'Yoga - In Pradeep, Yoga has been considered as twelve types, mentioning Raja Yoga, Ashtagyoga, Hatha Yoga, Lya Yoga, Dhyana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Namayoga, Kriyayoga, Bheeshyayoga, Mantrayoga, Karmayoga and Jnana Yoga.
Many types of yoga have been mentioned in the ancient texts, hence there are many types of those yogas following curiously. It is the intention of Lord Krishna that among all types of yogis, who reverently worship me with my heart, he is the best yogi -
Yoginamapi sesamantha madgatenantramatna.
Ashavan bhajate yo ma sa sa yuktamo mato:॥
How to live in the world
Stay awake like this, as Ambuj Sir Mahin.
There is no shelter, no water is untouched.
Stay awake in the world, just like the tongue of the tongue.
Even if the ghee is dense, then the smooth bath
It should be that which is good, you will remain detached.
Chant in Charankamal, stay awake in the world.
TO BE CONTINUE..................
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